BBGallery is a small Perl script generating a number
of HTML files from jpeg images that make up a image gallery to browse
with any html browser. It uses The Gimp and Gimp-Perl to create thumbnails
and to scale the images. It offers the following features:
- Thumbnail creation (size can be configured)
- Scaling images to a configurable size (optional)
- Links to full size image
- Meta galleries (optional) (Galleries of
- Labels, title or text can be assigned to images
and/or galleries using simple text files.
- Easy installation and use
- No extra software needed to view galleries and
images on any plattform (ideal for archiving images)
- Automatic slideshow
- Support of the <LINK> tag for easy navigation
in modern browsers
- Template driven HTML page generation
Sure enough there are plenty of programs available creating
all kinds of galleries. Most of them however make use of dynamic content
and require a Web server with PHP, Zope, python, you-name-it installed.
Not everybody has the resources to get all tyhose things up and running
in order to create a gallery. Also for archiving images this is not really
a solution.
My focus while writing BBGallery was to create a
tool that allows for easy achival of a large number of images. I wanted
something that can generate galleries and doesn't any other input than
a directory full of jpegs. The generated galleries should be easy to browse
and have a static structure to use them on read only medias such as CDs.
And that's what BBGallery offers. Just cd into your
image directory and run bbgallery. If you don't want any fancy labes or
explaining text that's all you need to do. Text and labels can be added
later very quick and easy by creating text files and rerunning bbgallery.
It's even gonna be a lot faster the second time around as all the
scaling has already be done.
Templates allow to customize the generates pages. Two sets
of templates are provided with BBGallery. If you don't want to customize
anything just ignore this feature. If you want to make the galleries fit into
your existing site design just create a set of custom templates.
If you look for a quick solution to get you images organized
BBGallery is for you.
Please sent feedback to me at