Sample Gallery

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19990630 124809

19990804 183936

19990804 190543

19990804 190603

19990804 193841

19990804 193920

19990804 193934

19990922 123249

19990922 123304

19990922 123443

19990922 123604

19990922 123841
This is a wild collection of some of my images. It's a sample gallery to show you what bbgallery creates. This gallery was created by calling:

bbgallery -s 640 -m 12 -c 4 -t "Sample Gallery"

You see there are max 12 images on each index page (-m 12) and not more than four images in a row (-c 4). The images are scaled to 640 pixels on their longest edge (-s 640). This text comes from the file index.txt in the image directory.

Created with BBGallery